Friday, September 9, 2011
Final 2010 Form 706 and Instructions
After some confusion with initially posting an older version of the instructions, the IRS has posted both the Final Form 706 for decedents dying in 2010, and the Instructions. The Form 706 is due September 19, 2011 for 2010 decedents who are not electing out of the estate tax regime and into the carryover basis regime, pursuant to the December 2010 Tax Act. As mentioned in an earlier blog, you may wish to file Form 4768 prior to September 19, 2011 to extend the due date for filing the return for six months, to give yourself more time to determine which regime to file under. To see the instructions, go to http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i706.pdf.
Carryover Basis System,
Form 4768,
Form 706,
Form 706 Instructions,
United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return