Monday, September 24, 2012
Orange Book Forms - The Must Have Tool for Colorado Trust & Estate Practitioners
Laurie Hunter and Josie Faix are speaking at the October 4, 2012 CLE hosted by CLE in Colorado, Inc. and the Colorado Bar Association entitled "Orange Book Forms - The Must Have Tool for Colorado Trust & Estate Practitioners". Laurie is speaking on the "Most Commonly Used Forms" including Financial Powers of Attorney, Parent's or Guardian's Delegation of Powers, Appointment of Guardian by Signed Legal Writing, Medical Durable Power of Attorney, Advance Directive for Medical/Surgical Treatment, and Gifting Issues to Watch Out for When Using These Forms. Josie is speaking on Revocable Trusts including Single Person, Married Couple and Joint Trusts, and Issues to Watch Out for When Using These Forms.
Appointment of Guardian by Signed Legal Writing,
Delegation of Powers,
Financial Powers of Attorney,
Medical Advance Directive for Medical/Surgical Treatment,
Orange Book Forms,
Revocable Trusts